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Written by a patient
14th September 2019

Some of the care I received was amazing, some was adequate and some was nothing short of appalling. On the whole most midwives were excellent but there are huge gaps in communication and a lot of repitition where it is clear notes have not been read or handovers not properly completed. There is also an astonishing lack of resources and equipment which delays or prevents treatment. This is unacceotable. By way of example my induction was delayed due to lack of CTG machines and my drip was delayed because a drip stand could not be sourced. Everything seems to grind to a halt an hour before any changeover of staff which also causes delays. I feel extremely lucky to be leaving with a healthy baby but the experience of the induction, labour, birth and post natal care have left me with a very bad taste in my mouth, which is a shame as there are some incredible staff at YDH.
