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Written by a patient
11th October 2017

This letter is intended to be a glowing tribute to all the wonderful staff in St Richards Hospital and Worthing Hospital who looked after me so well recently and who continues to do so at Bognor War Memorial Hospital Cardiac Physiotherapy Unit. On July 28th I was admitted to St Richards A/E by an ambulance having suffered a heart attack. Within hours I was admitted to the emergency ward and from there to the Acute Cardiac Ward. On Monday 31sth July I had an angiogram at St Richards and shortly afterwards I was transferred by ambulance to Worthing Hospital Cardiac Ward where, the following day I had some stents fitted. My heart attack was preceded by extreme distress and at first it was assumed that it was a Takosubo Cardiac event as I had suffered such an event in 2011. However on Monday 31st July I had an angiogram at St Richards which revealed some narrowing in my right coronary artery. I was immediately transferred to Worthing Hospital where had stents fitted the next day. It is hard to express in words the many kindnesses shown to me by nursing staff, doctors, technicians and specialists. I was immensely impressed with the skills and professionalism of all staff and the comforting care and respect shown to me at all times. I felt extremely comfortable when talking with the cardiologists and certainly felt listened to. What a refreshing change this is from years ago when one was so in awe of medical practitioners that one was afraid to speak honestly to them. Without exception the nurses in both hospitals were amazing always available with advice and a kind word. The standard too of cleanliness in both hospital cardiac wards and theatres was outstanding and I found this most reassuring. Whilst in the emergency ward at St Richards on the night of the 28th I witnessed the sensitive handling of a number of very confused patients and was so admiring of the respect and patience shown to them by all hospital staff. I was told that all staff had been trained in dealing with such patients and it certainly shows in staff attitudes and approaches. Since leaving hospital I have been under the wing of the outreach cardiac team and their personal support is so good to have. The physiotherapy classes are invaluable and much enjoyed by me. I have nothing but praise too for my doctor at Maywood Surgery Bognor who looks after me so well. I have on many occasions over the years accessed private healthcare but my recent experience has renewed my faith in our great NHS and especially the Cardiology departments who definitely fly the flag of excellence in Western Sussex Hospitals Trust. Please pass on my thanks to everyone involved in my care recently. Thank you all so much! Mrs Elizabeth (Liz) Conway
