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Written by a NHS patient
17th May 2024

Took my child to AE last night. Was met with a condescending dismissive nurse. Because I wanted to hold my tongue for the the sake of my 14 daughter I stood outside the cubicle whilst she had her blood test. She made a nasty comment to my daughter about me in my absence. I have a brain aneurysm, have just finished chemo for cancer and have been told I have dolichoectasia. Stress from a stupid woman like this something I wish to avoid, so I avoided HER not my child having a blood test. Whatever I did would have been met with more sarcasm. We had been rejected from A&E and then been sent back there. Both me and my child were dreading returning to her. I've worked for the emergency services for 20 years, there's no excuse to treat people badly. Just show some respect.
