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Written by a patient
12th April 2018

My chin has a dimple, it remained there after surgery, I say this to reflect how the mentalis muscle sits on my chin. I had a genioplasty 21 years ago, after the operation the right hand side muscle felt like it had been pushed to the right and attached further back than it origionally sat and for that matter the whole mentalis muscle twisted to the right, and slid down, the muscle felt like it went under my physical chin bone and it constandly felt like it needed to be pushed up and back into place, this also resulted in my speech being slurred. I could not whistle or say words that used an 'S', a bit like having a lisp. I had a bazaar corner impression line and mottling of the right hand side of my chin externally, if I tried to move my lip upward my mouth on the right side moved to the right, I could not move my mouth to the left when I moved my mouth to the left it actually went right, all the space inside my mouth was taken away, this was called the sulcus depth and it had gone that's the bit of flesh lower than your teeth, the depth was my teeth and I felt like a ventriloquist dummy having to move my jaw to be able to move my lips rather than being able to physically move my lips also when I attempted to move my lips my mouth used to suck into my face and make me feel claustrophobic. To describe this would be like to take a piece of paper bend it like a letter D and faster the two ends together then trist it to the right and then stitch it down like that, sort of like when you get some selotape stuck to itself and you have to pull both side of the tape up un attach what was stuck together, this is how I have observed my muscle remodeling on the right hand side of my chin for over 20 years and it is still remodeling right now as I type this. my chin movement was 7mm I asked for 1cm, on the day of surgey he said he had wrote 5mm, I said thats not right he said 5mm was more than what I thought and he was right, I cam out of surgey and he said he had done 7mm. I did not consent to anything other than what I had agreed and he decided to do what ever whilst I was under Anastetic. It has taken my 21 years to physically grow a new mouth and it is still not there totally yet. I can now move my mouth from side to side and its only been the last year my mouth has stopped sucking into my face when I move my lips upward. The surgeon boasts this is the best work he has ever done, his name is Dr Martin Cope of Hull Royal Infirmary in Kingston Upon Hull, although the surgery was performed at bupa which is now called the Spire. He did however after telling me I had unlimited aftercare with my private hospital included that he could spend much more time with me if he transfered me into the NHS. He did just that and then I was hit with can only spend government alloted time slices and he tried to rattle me to make me annoyed so that I would shout or something, he fetched female whitnesses into the room as whitnesses before the consultation began and told me that he had performed the best surgery he had ever done one me and if my brain thought different he would refer me to a phycatrist and he could put me on some mind altering drugs to stop me from thinking there was anything wrong, he did make an apointment with a phycatrist as well which is totally WOW OMG can you belive this man. I'm wondering how long my operation takes to recover as I feel I have had my total life destroyed my having this operation. The surgeon cut through a nerve to my lips whilst taking out my stitches, he for some reason decided to did deep with some sharp scissors and snip, an immediate electric shock felt like it paralysed my face running to the left hand side now and even to day I have deferred feeling in my lip after that. ie when you touch the outside of my lip I feel like your touching the inside of my mouth. I suffered loss of feeling to my right leg where he harvested the bone for the augmentation and a whole ripped in my mouth muscle within the first week on the left hand side. I have felt like in a similar way as best to describe for those who cannot experience this, if you was placed in a very tight seat, strapped in and wrapped in a rubber bandage, you can move but there is so much pressure it pulls you back and you start to feel like you just need to be able to escape it after so long and this so long hasn't just been days weeks moths years its been over two decades. I was 30 when I had this operation I'm now 51, the main core of my life lost to this thing, doctors refused to help or do anything about it, they didn't want to get involved, go back and see the original surgeon, he wanted to end me to a psychiatrist, after a while I went to one as I realised if I refused I'd be refusing help from a doctor and then he could dismiss my case, but when I went, it was like what if what if what if and all the what if's where wrong, it was so bad I attempted to cut the muscle down inside my mouth with a Stanley knife but failing every time due to the pain. My mouth was immobilised by this procedure and no one would help but they was willing to send me to psychiatrist to try and make out there was something wrong with me. Over the years it has felt like if you had taken a roll of sticky tape and accidently the sticky sides have touch and you had to then pull both sides to peel it back off each other to get it back to its original state. To anyone out there who is thinking about having this procedure I would say implants yes genioplasty No. its a one way street and you only have one life, getting over it take all your life which sort of negates the reason for doing it in the first place.
