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20th May 2024

Errors were made in theatre whereby I was connected to oxygen and not entonox, my mouth was so dry that i felt i could not get my breath. I was continuously asking for a drink of water and felt nobody cared about how i felt i was struggling. I was given a wet paper towel to wet my mouth in theatre. I was moved to M2 post emergency forcep delivery in theatre after being in labour for 17 hours. I was not informed i had had an episiotomy, nor had stitches, nor lost 900mls of blood. I was moved back to M2 almost immediately after returning to CDS and placed in a 4 bedded bay with the curtain pulled round, 2 empty drips running and felt i was completely left on my own. I was moved from CDS to M2 whilst breastfeeding my baby for the first time and was completely exposed to several men in the corridors. I hadn’t been informed i had a catheter inserted in theatre, i was left after having a spinal block on several dirty sheets and pads and was struggling with my husband to attempt to change these. My cannula was half out/not taped down. I was offered paracetamol and when informing the midwife i had already been administered this IV was met with “well it’s not documented” despite the empty bag still being connected to my hand. I felt i was not informed of anything regarding my care. I have never felt so degraded and disgusting as i did after giving birth. I felt i had no time to bond with my baby or my husband following my birth before being put back in a 4 bedded bay. Ultimately I still feel I have significant birth trauma following my experience in hospital.

Suggested improvements
Keep patients informed of what is happening to them and their baby, better communication needed Offer support or reassurance to patients upon returning to M2 rather than leaving them in a bay with the curtain pulled round immediately Don’t move patients through corridors on beds while they are exposed and breast feeding their babies, maintain dignity and respect over requiring bed capacity Give patients time to bond with their babies and partners after birth rather than instructing them to pack up and move wards immediately to a room shared with 3 other mothers and babies
