Community Services - East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust

Ethelbert Road, Canterbury, Kent, England, CT1 3NG
1,247 reviews




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Review of Thanet Central Community Postnatal
5th January 2014

I prefer appointments at hospital rather than waiting around at home for visits.

Review of Folkestone Antenatal
5th January 2014

Lovely, accessible midwife- was available to contact by text message which was very handy for me.

Review of Sapphire Antenatal
31st December 2013

I am currently 36 weeks pregnant and so far i have only seen my midwife twice. I have had two other midwives have to stand in for her and i have found myself having to repeat myself at nearly every appointment as they cannot remember much about me...on one occasion not even my name. The midwives are very nice and i can understand that midwives see many patients and are busy but if this is the case they should not be taking on patients that they cannot see, instead maybe give them to another available midwife so the patient gets to know their midwife instead of feeling like they're seeing strangers all the time. Also i have never been able to contact my midwife by phone. I have had complications in my pregnancy and every time i have tried to contact her the phone has been off so i have had to contact the William Harvey Hospital. To be honest i don't even think my midwife is aware of my complications. I'm disappointed with my midwifery team as this is my first pregnancy and i feel as if i have had little support, when i do ask for advice or explain a problem i often get told to ask a doctor or contact the William Harvey.

Review of Folkestone Community Postnatal
29th December 2013

I was well looked after and all fears and concerns were addressed as soon as I asked questions.

Review of Sapphire Antenatal
29th December 2013

fab care!! will look't after some one was allway's at the end of phone if needed. 1000% I would recommend She was more like a friend than a midwife, I felt like I could be my self and not get Juget.

Review of Diamond Antenatal
29th December 2013

The community midwives were very supportive in all aspects of my care and my baby. They advised me especially on breastfeeding since I had a few problems and helped me get my baby back on the breast.

Review of Red Community Postnatal
29th December 2013

Review of Diamond Antenatal
29th December 2013

Review of Diamond Antenatal
29th December 2013

Very good knowlege given. All my needs always delt with very friendly service. very happy.

Review of Red Community Postnatal
26th December 2013

My postnatal care was very thorough and detailed. Appointments were given in advance and stuck to. Both myself and my baby were checked thoroughly especially as I delivered near to Christmas and my postnatal care lasted over the festive period.

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