
Worthing Medical Group

Worthing Medical Group, 23 Shelley Road, Worthing, West Sussex, BN11 4BS Also known as: Shelley Surgery 1,079 reviews


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12th May 2024

The surgery has been my registered g.p. since birth. I have always been dealt with with exceptional care.. Appointment system works well and staff always cheerful at end of the line and helpful.

Suggested improvements
My only PROBLEM is the pharmacy. Not used them and never will again ever since given out of date tablets medicine...NOT ONCE BUT TWICE. My medication is monthly so a poor service supplied. On calling requesting new pills was met by rude pharmacist who totally unhelpful and wouldn't deliver new prescription so I would be without meds due her checking incompetence. So they get 0 on a score chart from me

14th May 2024
Response from Worthing Medical Group

Thank you for your feedback, the pharmacy is separate to the GP surgery so any complaints please call them on 01903 200100 or your can find the email address on their website.

10th May 2024

Given the state of the NHS at the moment, the rising population, the increased demand for better service and the current financial restraints, I have to say, I think Worthing Medical Group, and in particular, Dr Kamar, are doing a GRAND job!! We are lucky to have you! Thank you for lookimg after us

Suggested improvements
It's sometimes hard to get face to face appts, and even then doctors don't have the time to read through previous history. Can sometimes feel rushed, and medical conditions overlooked

10th May 2024

My initial appointment was nearly 2 hours long. This was half due to waiting times, the other half being a test that was not forewarned as lengthy. My second appointment was made at the wrong surgery so had to be rebooked. At my third appointment I was asked about medication I was on- I had been instructed to take a specific medication, yet it wasn't even on my notes. The systems being used seem to be very old and need updating. The amount of form filling is ridiculous. I am emailed a questionnaire which is then filled in, in my appointment on the computer, it is then filled in on a separate device- why can't things be sync'd to save time. I realise there is funding issues but time is money and a lot of time is being wasted. I wish there was a better alternative. Nothing against the staff, they've been polite and friendly and tried to help where they can. But there does need to be better practised implemented.

Suggested improvements
Update your equipment. Don't send out forms that will be reviewed in the appointment anyway or have a way to fill them in online so it is already in computer format. Tell people expected lengths of appointments. Book appointments at the correct surgeries; maybe have a booking mechanism that doesn't allow certain appointments to be booked in particular places. Find a way of giving people a good update of when there appointment will actually be rather than sitting around for 40 minutes.

16th May 2024
Response from Worthing Medical Group

Thank you for your feedback, I apologise for any inconvenience caused regarding the process of your appointment. I would really like to discuss this further with you to address the type of appointment you had and any changes we can put in place to make the appointment smoother as it doesn't sound like a regular acute GP appointment. Please contact us and ask for a Practice Co-ordinator who can discuss this further with you.

10th May 2024

Very frustrating to get an appointment in the current climate

Suggested improvements

4th May 2024

Not always possible to get a face to face appointment. But phone back is usually very good.

Suggested improvements
More face to face appointments. But happy with the overall service WMG provide.


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Worthing Medical Group was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.

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Short link to review Worthing Medical Group: http://iwgc.net/ejhnz