Woodley Centre Surgery

6 Headley Road, Woodley, Reading, RG5 4JA 200 reviews


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Written by a patient
2nd July 2016

It is near on impossible to get an appointment now. After waiting 20 minutes to get through you're lucky if any doctors are left let alone the one you want to see. It never used to be this bad on the old system. The prebook system is just as bad I can't get one now till 1.5-2 weeks away it's silly. It means you use 111 and the hospital more being diabetic or not at all and your health deteriorating fast. Its silly. Also doctors fobbing you off more now. I go into my gp as a type 1 diabetic about kidney pain, she doesn't even take a urine sample and fobs with off with it must be ibs. Even with no other ibs symptoms. I go to my diabetic team 2 days later and I get referred for an ultrasound and reassured by a urine dip test that it's not an infection. Much more helpful then my gp.

Written by a patient
13th April 2016

I had a very helpful phone consultation with Dr Reeder, despite phoning mid-morning when I might have expected all appointments to have gone. Dr Reeder was really helpful and listened to my knowledge about my illness. She then called me back very quickly, as she said she would, having located and tested the urine sample. Jill on reception was also excellent - kind and helpful. And Lynn on reception is always calm and very helpful. Such good service makes a huge difference to how a patient feelsafety, especially with a debilitating chronic condition. And I turn, that helps my husband to feel less anxious. Thank you!

Written by a patient
4th April 2016

The service has, until now, been exemplary. So much different than my previous surgery. I cannot speak highly enough of the treatment I have received, especially with Dr Reeder, although every doctor I have seen has been very caring and professional. However, recently it has been more and more difficult to get an appointment to see a doctor - to see a doctor, any doctor, I had to wait 10 days.... Not acceptable, even though it was not an emergency as such. I realise that Easter made it more difficult, but 10 days was still a long time, and as I explained to the girl on the phone, it was not something that could be dealt with over the phone as I knew I had to be examined before a diagnosis could be made. I hope that this was just a very busy time and it will get easier to see a doctor, although I realise that with all the new housing etc, surgeries are going to get busier and GPs harder to find.

Written by a patient
29th February 2016

I moved to this surgery over a year ago. It was one of the best moves I've made. The difference between this and the other surgery is chalk and cheese. I still haven't become used to the very helpful and friendly receptionists - I have to look at my phone after calling to make sure I actually rang the doctors surgery. And I can actually get appointments to see my doctor, previously I was constantly told to go to the Broad Street Mall drop in centre which is a faff, especially when you're unwell. My only fear is this service delivery being over stressed with the amount of new developments going up in Woodley. My only suggestion is to possibly have another television on the left hand side of the waiting room to help people, especially those with visual impairment, to be aware of their appointment call.

3rd February 2016

All the receptionists are helpful and cheerful.


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