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Written by a patient
6th April 2018

The surgery itself is brilliant when you get to see someone, however trying to get an appointment is utter horrendous you can not book an appointment until on the day after 8,30 and trying to get an appointment is a joke, on several occasions I have called and can not get through to later be told all appointments are gone and try again the next day. I have a one year little girl with infant wheeze and when she gets a cold she ends up with a chest injection I called every minute till 10.30 to get through and then was told all appointments had gone. Another occasion when I was 6 weeks pregnant and bleeding I was calling all morning to get an appointment to not be able to get through so I then called 111 who said I should see a doctor within 2 hours and sent an email to the surgery however could still not get through to book an appointment. My partner has needed to get an appointment for personal reasons that seriously needs to see a doctor and again can not get through to be told that all appointments gone. I don't know whether there could be a system introduced where patients can leave a message for these serious appointments that someone call back and arrange a doctor appointment for if not that day maybe the day after, rather than just being ignored and put in the same category as a cold etc.
