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Written by a patient
29th August 2014

The initiation of an appointments system whereby appointments can only be booked for later the same morning or early afternoon is the main bugbear as you have to ring precisely at 8.30 a.m. and IF you are lucky enough ever to get through to someone the limited number of available appointments will almost certainly all have been taken so you have to try again the next morning at 8.30 and so on. It means nothing can be planned in advance and you can only ring on any day when you can drop absolutely everything to go there for an appointment with God knows whom, very probably not your own doctor. What patients need is the restoration of the former appointments system whereby you could ring up and make an appointment for a specific time on a specific day whether that is later that week or in the following week or two weeks or even up to a month ahead if you were going to be working or staying away in the interim or had a hospital appointment in that period and your doctor wanted to see you after your appointment so please let us all get back to that system as soon as possible and abandon the chaotic shambles of this new, much lamented system.
