Maryport Group Practice

Alneburgh House, Ewanrigg Road, Allerdale, Maryport, Cumbria, CA15 8EL Also known as: Maryport Health Services 147 reviews


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10th July 2024

If you're in pain, don't bother. I have severe spine disabilities, including a break in there. I'm in severe, SEVERE pain. I have been begging the doctors for years to help with my pain, but they fob me off and just tell me to lose weight. My neurosurgeons, physio, consultants etc ALL state I should have pain relief for bad pain days, and have even stated this to my GP due to the severity of my conditions. Everyone I know with chronic pain, even some who attend this surgery get pain relief, however I get told, and I quote "join a gym, go for long walks, have physio and lose weight" whilst Im sat in a wheelchair unable to walk and in severe pain. Along with "we dont prescribe painkillers". Very neglectful. They wouldnt put up with this pain, so why leave me like this?

Suggested improvements
Listen to your patients. Listen to consultants and physio. Have some compassion and understanding

5th June 2024

I called at 12pm on a Tuesday to get an appointment for my 4 year old, waited 65mins to get answered 1.05pm, told there are no same day emergency appts left (fair enough), I would have to go through the triage system but would have to ring back after 2pm or contact 111 for this. Utterly ridiculous system, total waste of my time and the receptionists.

Suggested improvements
Allowed me to complete the triage process at the time of the call.

Rating not given.
8th May 2024

For the third time, I have requested a call back using the automated system, which advised I would not lose my position in the queue and that an operator/receptionist would call me back accordingly. Still waiting. So frustrating.

Suggested improvements
Please sort the telephone system out or stop using the call back option if it is not reliable.

1st May 2024

It is my opinion that the Clinicians do not take enough notice of the patients concerns, and are reluctant to listen to the patients opinions. It is my experience that the Clinicians do not familiarise themselves with complicated patients medical history.

Suggested improvements
Listen and loose the opinions that you know better. Keep up to date on Clinical research and do not prescribe drugs without an understanding of the possibilities for adverse reactions. If a patient reports an adverse reaction stop assuming that you are right and the patient is wrong.

19th March 2024

I called this morning to make an appointment for my daughter. Having not called for an appointment for a while I called at 8am which has previously been the time when the lines open. I was routed through a dialler and put into a call queue. When I got through I was told to call back at 8.30. In fairness the dialler did say something about this when I was being routed, however I thought this was odd based on previous experience, the fact it hadn't cut me off and the fact the lines were in fact open so i continued with the call. I got through and spoke to a lady (who I wont name, though I do know who I spoke to). She asked how old my daughter was and then asked me to call back at 8.30. I couldn't believe I had got through to someone only to be told to queue again and said as much (politely) as it simply doesn't make sense to do so. I was told that the reason for this was that the GPs don't start till 8.30 so they weren't allowed to triage people till they came in. This raises several issues for me as follows: 1) Why open the lines at 8 if you won't deal with calls till 8.30? 2) The opening hours of the surgery are still advertised from 8.00. If I walked in at 8.00 would you tell me you wouldn't deal with me for half an hour or is this just on the phone? 3) What is the point of putting me in a call queue only to not then deal with my request and put me back in another call queue in half an hour? The option to wait shouldn't be available as this is only going to stress callers and probably also staff! 4) I was attempting to provide some of this feedback to the receptionist (again politely) when she rather rudely cut the call. For the love of God is it not about time that you guys started considering the experience of the person on the phone here? I feel like I have been messed around, dealt with rudely and in fact NOT dealt with. I now have to call back again, lets hope its a different woman on the phone when I call as I don't think I will be able to stop myself saying something if its not!

Suggested improvements
As above, either provide a phone line and deal with queries or dont provide one till you can. There is zero reason why someone cant triage a patient in advance of an appointment, surely thats how the system works at ANY time. Its nonsense opening the lines and then saying we cant triage for half an hour. You are just causing hassle for everyone involved with this approach.


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