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Written by a patient
2nd December 2015

I've had ongoing health issues for some time that have considerably reduced my quality of life to the point that is difficult to sustain. I put all my very little energy and considerable financial resources into a last ditch fight to regain my health. I'm new to this area and new to the Ashdown Health Clinic and therefore have no history or rapport with any of the doctors. My medical history is complicated, to put it mildly. I've had weight loss surgery, heart problems and I suffered severe Stephen's Johnson's Syndrome which has left me, among other things, potentially life-threateningly allergic to any medication. I mind that doctors think they are the only people with a mind, even though mine is severely impaired at this time. I'm still not totally stupid. I mind that they dismiss me and don't listen and therefore ignore the most valuable diagnostic tool at their disposal. I mind the feeling that I'm out on my own with no real help to call upon. For some time I've noticed terrible and frightening things happening to me. The symptoms range from cognitive to physical problems. Too complicated to go into in this limited forum. My first instincts were to withdraw into myself, curl up, so to speak. Alas, life doesn't allow that. I've somehow had to function and that's become increasingly difficult and embarrassing. I gathered all I had in me and asked for privately insured referrals to try to get to the bottom of my problems and hopefully put them right. I just seem to have been passed from pillar to post, undergoing many difficult tests, and ended up with a list of stuff that's not wrong with me. Apparently, I'm to be satisfied with that. It's me, it seems! I'm absolutely no further forward. I tried to make an appointment to discuss the feedback from all these experts but found that non urgent appointments are booked up for weeks, if not months. I was offered a telephone consultation but the doctor who is slightly familiar with my case wasn't available so I accepted the consultation with Dr Fyfe, whom I've never met. I found her attitude to me to be hostile. Why? I tried to explain how I'd arrived at my stance but I was talked down. I put the phone down afterwards and just cried. I'm not a hypochondriac. Far from it. I'm a desperate woman who is just trying to get well because my life literally depends on it.
