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Written by a patient
17th August 2020

I went to see Mr Chatrath after experiencing 3/4 months worth of back-to-back illnesses that were diagnosed as chronic sinus infections, leaving me feeling very ill and fatigued with headaches and sinus pain. An altogether horrible time. Mr Chatrath was very understanding, clear in his explanations and methods and all in all a very pleasant doctor to be treated by. I would highly recommend him. We ruled out immune problems with blood tests and I was referred to a neurologist to rule out other causes for the headaches via blood tests and a CT scan. I also had an MRI scan with Mr Chatrath which showed some obstructions in my sinuses and a severely deviated septum. (Though at no point during the scans did I actually have fluid blocked up in my sinuses with a runny nose, but Mr Chatrath clearly explained that they might have just been clear at the time of the scan, and that as we had ruled out other causes the obstructions in my sinuses and deviated septum were likely causes of the illnesses). I then had a septoplasty and sinuplasty performed by Mr Chatrath in March 2020. The operation went well and two weeks of recovery at home coincided with the start of lockdown. I had a video call with Mr Chatrath to check on healing which has all been fine, and plan to go and see him soon once the hospital is allowing outpatients again.
