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Written by a private patient
9th June 2021

Hi all, I recently had my tonsils removed, pallet stiffened and uvula reduction, the reason for this was to reduce my snoring, also i thought i had post nasal drip and it seemed i was continually swallowing. I had recently had to move to the spare bedroom for the sanity of my wife, my sleep was always broken and this was causing problems with Blood pressure and mood swings, very frustrating. The consultation process was thorough in its investigations and i was immediately put at easy by Paul, after i tried some small medical treatments it was decided that an operation was the way forward. Maria who sorted my booking and appointments was most helpful in for-filling my requirements and again made things easy. The operation went extremely well and all a bit of a blur really, no pain after the operation as to be expected considering the anaesthetics and pain relief. I must say that although i was prepared for the recovery i underestimated the pain and discomfort i felt, it was at times relentless. I am 53 years old and pretty fit, non smoker and not over weight so was in a good position for healing. Still i would recommend a good plan at home for the recovery, a decent set up makes the ride all the more comfortable, so list below. Take pain meds regularly (stay ahead of the pain) Ice packs to throat/neck to reduce swelling. Ice poles, i crunched and rolled around mouth. Humidifier in the room to help keep the back of throat moist, dry throat hurts.65-75% Lots of water, i managed 2 litres a day minimum. keep hydrated. Food, smoothies at minimum, then soft chewable foods, warm non spicy. The more nutrition you get in the better and faster you heal, i lost 10 pounds in weight. Grab sleep when ever you can. Other than that i used to keep a positive book to read, Ant Middleton Zero Negativity for me. when i woke up i used to see the front cover and pull myself together. It does get better and i wouldn't change a thing. It is now 3.5 weeks since the op and over the past 2 nights i have snored 5 minutes and that snoring is more like a cat purring, i have the sleep cycle app which records my nights sleep. Previously i was snoring up to 3hrs a night and it sounded like a v8 engine. also i have stopped swallowing constantly as my uvula isn't touching my tongue anymore, So if you are having breathing, snoring, swallowing problems, go see Professor Paul Chatrath and get fixed. Thankyou Paul, life is already better.
