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Written by a private patient
1st April 2022

I consider my decision to seek out Professor Paul Chatrath at a time when my chronic nasal polyps and associated sinusitis had reached a point where surgical intervention had become the only realistic option left, to be one of the best and wisest decisions that I could have made. Professor Chatrath’s excellent reputation had reached me through information from a family member. I have personally found him to be an accomplished surgeon, academic, erudite, an excellent communicator, and not in the least pretentious. He expertly assessed my clinical status and explained clearly what my current options were. He also took time to listen to my account of the history and my concerns, and at no time did he attempt to push me into agreeing to surgery, even though it was clear that non surgical treatment was no longer sustainable. He gave me sufficient clarity and precision of information, including all possible risk factors, to enable me to make up my own mind. I agreed to a Balloon Sinuplasty and Polypectomy that was undertaken nearly 4 weeks ago. My care on the day of the operation was exemplary in every way and at all levels of expertise from admission through to discharge. Professor Chatrath and his Anaesthetist were confronted with an uncharacteristically nervous patient when they came to undertake preoperative procedures. As a consequence my blood pressure and heart rate had become exceptionally elevated and were in danger of jeopardizing my fitness for surgery. Despite being busy with necessary checks prior to their Theatre List, they were both calm, attentive, rigorous and meticulous in their assessment of the situation. I quickly developed a fundamental confidence in both of them. Fortunately preoperative sedation addressed the issue satisfactorily, and the operation went ahead as planned. When Professor Chatrath told me postoperatively that the polyps had gone, it was music to my ears. Those “pesky” polyps had all but ruined my life. To taste and smell again will undoubtedly improve my quality of life, but to breathe through my nose is totally liberating. The Recovery period has been better than I could have anticipated with absolutely minimal discomfort. I received excellent documentation re.what to expect and how to manage the postoperative period, from Professor Chatrath’s very efficient and organized secretary Maria. She is a great asset to his team, responding promptly to messages and undertaking relevant administration in a manner that reflects a caring person as well as a competent administrator. In conclusion, if there are any prospective patients who are contemplating ENT treatment/surgery, but like me, find themselves procrastinating for whatever reason, please put your trust in Professor Chatrath and his team. You will not regret it. My only regret is that I struggled for so long putting my faith in the efficacy of steroid medication and not investing in an operative procedure sooner.
