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Written by a patient
28th November 2019

After having tonsillitis 5 times in a period of 6 months I was referred to the Nhs ent due to having ear pain. Due to the length of time it took to wait (6 months before I was seen) I was going downhill rapidly. After seeing the consultant she advised “go away and get yourself well and healthy” - I already lead a healthy and active lifestyle. I went back in 6 weeks to which the consultant couldn’t understand why I wasn’t better. I had a ct scan which showed a very large fungal infection within the whole of the left cavity of my sinus’. I had an immediate operation to remove this and clean the sinus’. After this I still went on another 3 years to suffer sinus infection after another. Also experiencing post nasal drip, a horseness in my throat and terrible headaches and head pain. After numerous scans and operations with no resolution I went private and this is when I met Paul at the Spire Hartswood Brentwood. He immediately established that Id had Trauma to the septum high up at the top/ bridge of my nose that potentially was causing a blockage to the sinus’, he advised correcting this, another sinus drain but also removing my tonsils as they did not look healthy. I opted to have the nose operations first which were successful and was to see how I felt if I needed my tonsils out going forward. I thought I’d improved only to fall pregnant 10 months after my nose op’s. Subsequently I suffered horrendously through the pregnancy yet again with sinus pain, head pain, facial flushing and also a puffyness around my neck and cheeks. After my son was born the nhs sent me for further scans which still showed inflammation in my sinus’ and I was still suffering terribly from getting a common cold. I wouldn’t be able to shift it and it would go to drastic extremely quickly head pain again, sore throat etc I decided it was time to visit Paul again and I was not disappointed - contrary to the Nhs who just had no idea why I was still suffering as great as I was. It was decided with Paul that I needed the tonsils removed, the operation was very successful, again. Once removed and one month on I don’t know why I didn’t opt for this sooner. My face and neck isn’t puffy/ swollen anymore. My throat and mouth are not suffering any kind of reaction anymore and I’ve had a small cold and feel my body can deal with it once again. I’ve not had any ear pain either and have since returned to swimming (my favourite past time) and can safely put my ears under the water once again, something I hadn’t been able to do in 3 years. Paul is very understanding of the pain and discomfort you are experiencing and is very attentive to his attention to detail. He listens to your symptoms, looks at the evidence the symptoms are causing and makes a diagnosis. I feel I have achieved a greater result with Paul in the two times I have been under him than in the 3 years I have been treated on the Nhs.
