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Written by a patient
22nd May 2019

I originally paid for a chiropractor - 5 treatments, no improvement - £200. Told to refer to my GP. I did this and was referred to Global for X-ray. Was told I had arthritis, fair enough I was now 70. I insisted that I might have arthritis but the problem was not skeletal, but muscular, sinews, tendons or something - I am not a doctor. Sent for physio - several treatments was told that this was not working. Luckily at Community Hospital, Bowthorpe Road, Norwich, saw another Dr/Consultant, having been referred by the physio, and she asked what the problem was, I said there seemed no point in relating what had happened as no-one would listen. She said I am listening, thank God. I was then given an ultrasound which showed other problems and I was referred to Mr Iman. For which I will always be grateful. I explained to Mr Iman that I had been caring for my aged Mother (93) who hung onto my arm whenever we went anywhere, she tripped and I grabbed her to stop her falling and my shoulder/arm was painful and getting worse from then. I was given an ultrasound which showed problems, other than skeletal. Mr Imam said that he would operate and that I would be hearing from him. I did and attended a pre-op sessions and passed. I had the operation on 15-04-19 and have to say I was seen by the anaesthetist who was amazing, told me what to expect and advised on what to do after the op a human being not a robot.. Was also available on leaving the hospital for questions. Lovely person. I have now been seen by Mr Iman on 22 May and he and I are thrilled. He did not promise I would be back to how I was before the incident but promised I would be no worse. I am not and cannot thank him and his team enough for this. God bless him. Look forward to being able to continue caring for aged parent, husband, daughter, son and grandchildren. Thank you Mr Iman and your team. Angela Want
