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Written by a private patient
21st October 2021

Would I recommend Professor Mahajan? ABSOLUTELY! No hesitation whatsoever but here's my review in full. I first met Professor Mahajan in September 2020 as I made enquiries into having a breast augmentation. I had previously been to a chain-type clinic and didn't have the best experience. While they were extremely pushy, Professor Mahajan was completely the opposite. Right from the start, Professor Mahajan was calm, clear and concise with the information he presented me with and answered all of my questions and concerns about a breast augmentation. We talked about the look I was after and Professor Mahajan presented me with different textures and sizes of implants to look at and gave his professional opinion on what size he thought would suit me best going off the look I wanted to achieve. I then tried out different sized implants in a non-padded bra under my tshirt to see if this was the desired look I was after. Following the birth of my third child, I religiously wore push-up bras and the implants gave me the exact same look. We discussed the pros and cons of under and over the muscle and I came away from the initial consultation with lots of information to look at as well as research to carry out before deciding whether I wanted to go ahead. Professor Mahajan asked me to give considerable thought into the procedure and asked me to book a follow-up appointment once I was ready. There were no pushy sales calls - it was left to me to get in touch which I really liked (unlike the other chain clinic). In November, I made a follow-up appointment to meet Professor Mahajan. I explained I wanted to consider larger implants and felt my body-type could handle larger without looking extreme. Professor Mahajan discussed the risks of larger implants with me as well as the scar sizing being potentially larger but agreed I could opt for larger implants. I had queried about a breast lift as I breastfed 3-children but Professor Mahajan professional felt this wasn't necessary due to the sizing of my desired implant plus the breast tissue he had to work with. I felt relieved and reassured at Professor Mahajan's advice. We agreed on the desired implant, decided on the particular profile and cc and then Professor Mahajan shared the measurements and weight of this implant. I was then asked to try the rice-test at home to ensure I was entirely happy with the sizing and weight and once ready, get back in touch to discuss surgery dates. Sadly Covid then happened but Professor Mahajan's secretary was also amazing. She added me to a waiting list, explained the delays in surgery and said she would be in touch when she could to arrange my procedure. Fast-forward to August and Professor Mahajan's secretary was in touch with a date! I received letters to confirm my surgery date, including the serial number of my implant plus a follow-up call with Professor Mahajan a week before my procedure where he answered my last minute questions and concerns ahead of surgery. Professor Mahajan also recommended which surgical bra to use following the procedure which I could get beforehand which was most helpful. On the day of my surgery, from start to finish, the care was outstanding. Professor Mahajan's team were a very calming influence and despite my nerves, made me feel very much at ease. Professor Mahajan came to see me before my surgery and asked if I had any questions. He then marked me up for surgery and explained he would start with the smallest incisions he could and work up from that rather than just going in large. I was very extremely for this. When I woke from my surgery, Professor Mahajan assured me all went well. I then saw him again the next day where he explained my incisions were perfectly in the crease and not as big as we thought they would be. I was over the moon. Professor Mahajan explained my required aftercare and advised what to expect in the weeks to follow and was then given the ok to be discharged. I then saw him two weeks later for a follow-up appointment and my waterproof dressings were removed. The dissolvable stitches had already vanished and the scars were incredibly neat. Professor Mahajan was delighted with the outcome - as am I! The results are way beyond what I ever imagined and Professor Mahajan is truly phenomenal at what he does. I am so very grateful to have met him and cannot thank him enough for giving me the profile I only ever dreamed of before. Without hesitation, I would absolutely recommend Professor Mahajan.
