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Written by a NHS patient
10th November 2021

I first met Dr Pearsall on 26th July 2021 for a follow up appointment, which should have happened in October 2020 but was postponed due to the pandemic. Dr Pearsall informed me my eye pressure was dangerously high and I required immediate treatment as I could lose my sight. She arranged appointments and procedures as a matter of urgency and I knew from that point I was being well looked after. I had a follow up appointment and my cataract procedure within three weeks. Whilst the operation went well there was an issue replacing my lens due to the high pressure. Dr Pearsall was reassuring, gentle and kind throughout the whole procedure. Before leaving the hospital Dr Pearsall booked the theatre for the following Wednesday to treat my glaucoma - she was actually on annual leave that day but said she would cancel and perform the procedure herself as she knew my sight was still in danger. The trabeculectomy was rather complicated and took a couple of hours.... as this was an operation I had to remain awake for Dr Pearsall kept checking I was okay and played country music to take my mind off what was happening. After the operation she told me it had been more successful then they had hoped and were pleased they were able to save my sight. This was very reassuring. It has taken a while for my eyesight to return and at times this has been rather concerning, however at all subsequent check up appointments Dr Pearsall has reassured me I am doing so well considering how major the operation was and recovery could take 6-12 months. I could not have been in more capable hands. From my initial appointment Dr Pearsall has shown great care and I have been fortunate to have benefitted from her outstanding quality of medical expertise. Myself and my family are forever grateful.
