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Written by a patient
22nd June 2015

I had hip arthroscopy arthroscopy surgery in April this year at Trafford general hospital to repair a labral tear, cyst removal and microfracture surgery due to having shallow hips since birth which has only just showed up due to my age! ( I will need hip replacements in 10 years.) Before the surgery for a least three years I had been in absolute agony when walking even for 10 minutes, I could not longer walk my dog and I am only 46 years old! On the day of my op I was up and about although I could only partially weight bear for 4 weeks. I had a small amount of pain for a coupler of days but after this had full movement in my hip joint, I was advised by Dr Kim that riding a bike and swimming would enhance my recovery whilst only partially weight bearing, which I did, after 4 weeks I could fully weight bear I went to Las Vegas and was able to walk without pain which I have not done in 3 years. I am totally delighted with the surgery and the care that Dr Kim and his staff provide me with. I am still undergoing physiotherapy to ensure my hip and muscles stay strong. I urge anyone who is in the same dilemma as I was to seriously consider this surgery. Thanks again Dr Kim for giving me my life back. Mrs D Egan
