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Written by a patient
31st August 2020

Mr Sachin Salvi is amazing. It has taken me over a year to write this review as it has been busy. That is all down to Mr Salvi. I had been suffering with recurrent dacryocystis for 8 years. Anyone who has had this will know how incredibly painful it is. My final bout was in January 2019. I’m a teacher and my year 11 classes were in the run up to their GCSE exams and as any parent of GCSE students will know, they were beginning to feel the pressure. It was a bad time for a flare up. At this time, I had finally been put on an NHS waiting list for an operation (internal DCR)to reconstruct my tear duct. I went to the GP and received my usual round of antibiotics (Augmentin)that had always worked until this point. The pain continued to worsen and I went to A&E. As my surgery was to be carried out in the ENT department, the eye clinic refused to see me however as the problem was with my tear duct, the ENT department refused to see me. A brilliant nurse shouted at the eye department and they gave in and asked me to return in 2 hours. At this point I was told I had surgery booked and there was nothing else that could be done. I was sent home. By the Sunday it was worse still and I phoned the eye ward and was told to go in. I was given more antibiotics. It did not improve. I searched on the internet and phoned around. I found that the Claremont hospital had an ocular plastic surgeon. I made an appointment on the Thursday evening. As soon as Mr Salvi saw me he knew how much pain I was in and was surprised I had been left with this for 8 years. Mr Salvi found a slot for me by doing some juggling and I had surgery (Extrenal DCR)(dacryocystorhinostory) on the following Monday. I had very little tear duct left by this point and Mr Salvi could only find enough flesh to add one stitch to try to reconstruct my tear duct. He also had to remove some of the bone from my nose as it had been affected due to the many years of infection. I stayed in overnight because it was a bit more complicated and had a bruised face. However the finished result was great and the scarring on my face is barely visible. Since the operation I have had no pain and no infection. My nose is still tingly and my eye is a bit watery. I also have a new party trick where I can blow air out of my tear duct. All of this is a small price to pay to be pain free. Mr Salvi was incredibly kind and generous. He was an incredibly skilled surgeon and was the most amazing doctor I have ever been treated by. I was back on my feet with my year 11 classes in no time. Mr Salvi is truly brilliant.
