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Written by a patient
13th January 2016

As a result of one of the most intense pains experienced in my life, I was admitted to hospital and eventually discovered that I had a rather large Kidney Stone. After learning of the long wait to have the stone removed on the NHS, my wife and I decided to research private treatment options for various personal reasons. One of those was Mr Rowan Casey. After our initial contact with Mr Casey, our minds were put at ease. He was one of very few Consultants who was working over the Christmas period but crucially, the only Consultant who took the time to speak to me personally, rather than speaking with their secretary. Other consultants secretary's were unable to provide firm information as to when the procedures could be carried out, a point which was at the top of our list of priorities. Mr Casey explained the full process to me over the phone and reconfirmed this during my initial consultation, also fully understanding my need to have the stone and follow-up surgery completed by a certain date. A fact he kept in mind throughout, managing to provide earlier appointments as necessary to get me back to full fitness. His fees were also some of the most reasonable I have come across. There were various options available to me which again were all fully explained and the benefits of each one. Mr Casey put my wife and I at ease with everything. Due to the stone, I had an initial NHS appointment for investigative surgery on 23rd December. Mr Casey had managed to fit in two consultations, X-Rays and an operation under general anaesthetic all before the initial investigations with the NHS were due to begin. Not forgetting to mention Mr Casey's secretary Megan Wood. Everyone needs a good team behind them to enable them to provide fantastic service and support and I can say that having dealt with Megan on a number of occasions on phone and email, she was always polite and sympathetic to our needs, having time to listen to my problems and ensuring that everything went smoothly from a secretarial point of view. She undoubtedly provides Mr Casey with every assistance he needs to be enable both of them to provide the highest degree in patient care and service. My wife and I honestly can't thank both Mr Casey and Megan enough for everything they have done for us. I would not hesitate in absolutely recommending him and his secretary Megan for anyone looking for a Consultant Urologist. In the nicest possible manner (keeping fingers and everything else crossed), I do not wish to have to use the services of Mr Casey again. However, should the need arise, I am absolutely confident that I would be in the best possible hands and will look no further than Mr Rowan Casey and Megan Wood for any treatment I may need.
