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Written by a private patient
26th April 2023

From the out outset I was treated with courtesy and respect. After our initial consultation, Mr. Atwal agreed to go ahead with a full replacement of my left knee. This was my first time as a private patient as I had always been treated on the NHS in the past. My decision to "go private" was a result of the present situation, where waiting lists are so long. I would also like to say that any previous treatment I have received on the NHS has been very good. However, I do appreciate that under the care of Mr. Atwal and his staff the care I received was much more intense and everyone concerned went that "extra mile" to make sure that my time in hospital was excellent. Mr. Atwal visited me after the operation and confirmed that the operation had all gone well and that he was pleased with the result. Six weeks after my operation I had a further consultation with Mr Atwal and he seemed extremely pleased and praised me for helping the healing process by working hard with a series of daily exercises. He, therefore discharged me with a check up next year. It has been a life changing and excellent experience.
