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Written by a patient
6th June 2020

I'm lucky that I've not had to spend too much time in hospitals but I was surprised how positive (& enjoyable!) my experience with Mr Ellis was. I liked how very informal and down to earth he was. The approach was very relaxed for a procedure that sounded in advance to be not very pleasant. At each stage of the scan/examination he explained very clearly in a matter of fact way what was about to happen and what I was likely to experience. When doing the scan I really appreciated how he took me on a "tour" of the areas the probe/camera passed through with a fairly detailed running commentary and answered my questions. It was a fascinating experience. Not what I was expecting. And the bonus was that we had an interesting chat comparing our experiences of teaching children how to cycle. Also, on reflection, I think what made the experience all the more positive was the way Mr Ellis dealt with me as a person and not just as a patient. He was genuinely interested in me and what I had to say. Just to add that on the day I had the scan Mr Ellis was the only doctor on duty with the other doctor being off. So he had to alternate between consulting areas. I expected things to be a bit rushed so was surprised at how Mr Ellis took his time with me and had no sense that things were rushed. In fact it was the opposite. And also let me say that the nursing/reception team who looked after me were really good and helpful.
