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Written by a NHS patient
20th August 2023

I had a left total hip replacement May 2022. I cannot tell that my new hip is a replacement one, in the sense that it feels 'normal.' Mr Hartwright has given me my life back. I went from being on maximum pain killers, a walking stick, and finding it very difficult to walk, to being able to walk several miles with ease, and I am now back at the gym again (with Mr Hartwright's approval), doing exercises to keep my muscles strong. I have just finished 2 hours of gardening. My scar is extremely neat and discrete, unlike some of the horrors that are portrayed online, and much of it has now faded. I was 55 when I had the procedure. I have osteoarthritis. Pre op it would have been useful to have instruction on how to get in and out of a shower over a bath safely post op, and the same with a bath. I would say that it is extremely important to follow the exercise regimen prescribed, pre and post op.
