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Written by a patient
31st December 2017

In August 2017 I had a pain in my shin/knee area which was thought to be caused by a hip problem. Consequently my hip was x-rayed which indicated that I needed to have a hip replacement; this was subsequently confirmed by the Consultant who offered to do the operation but he was not available until November if I was prepared to wait that long which I was. However, 2 days before the operation date I was told he was off work with a bad back but Mr Unnithan was available instead. By now the pain was sufficiently bad I had to use a walking stick so I agreed to him replacing the original surgeon. Mr Unnithan examined me whilst I was being prepared for the operation. We had a lively discussion and decided to proceed on a logical route to determine if I really needed a hip replacement. He advised that I should have an injection in my hip since the x-ray was not conclusive. I could understand his logic and agreed to follow his recommendation. As a result I entered the hospital at 07.30 using a walking stick and walked out at 15.00 without the need for the stick. The pain in my shin area was diminished but not cured so Mr Unnithan decided on a knee injection which has helped. He also arranged for a MRI scan which shows I have a bruise on my spine which is diagnosed as “moderate Stenosis” and is the cause of the pain. This may be reduced by the use of physiotherapy. Thus Mr Unnithan’s logical approach and diagnosis of my symptoms has meant I have, for now, avoided an unnecessary hip operation for which I am very grateful.
