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Written by a patient
15th November 2018

I was transferred into Mr. Unnithan's care about 6 weeks before I was due to have my total hip replacement. This was due to repeated cancellations and issues with my previous consultant. I am 26 with acetabular protrusion and I was very anxious and worried about the upcoming surgery. This last minute change really did not help things, but Mr. Unnithan was able to fit me in for an impromptu appointment and settled my worries. He took the time to get to know my case and ask me what my goals and expectations were from the surgery. He did not sugar coat or beat around the bush when explaining things. He was very honest about everything, explaining the techniques he planned to use and his rational for using them. I had a total hip replacement on my right side on August 13th 2018, everything went so smoothly with the surgery and I couldn't be happier! Mr. Unnithan has been so supportive and understanding throughout the whole process and I feel we have developed a good therapeutic relationship. I will need further treatment / surgery as time goes on and Mr. Unnithan has assured me that he will do his best to give me the best care he can. I had my 12 week follow-up appointment 2 days ago and I have made great progress! I can balance on both legs now and walk without limping, put on my own socks, drive with no issues, and I am also back at the gym 1-2 times per week. Mr. Unnithan did an amazing job. He showed me my x-rays and everything looks perfect. I have no leg length discrepancy and arthritic pain has drastically reduced. I only have nerve pain to worry about now but that is inevitable. I massage my scar and use a hand held rolling massager each day as per Mr. Unnithan's advice so as time goes on this should help with the scar tissue and keloids. I would definitely recommend Mr. Unnithan as a surgeon. I believe he truly has the patient's best interest in mind, he listens to his patients, and he treats his patients as whole individuals by taking all aspects of their life into considerations when delivering care. As a nurse myself, I am very happy with the care I have received and continue to receive! I have been documenting my hip replacement journey as I feel their isn't much information or real life experiences online to learn from, especially in the UK. Before my surgery, I did so much research trying to find information about what to expect from getting a hip replacement at my age, but I found very little. You can follow my hip replacement journey on Instagram @ijuststeph. I have saved lots of videos and pictures to share with anyone who is interested or may be going through a similar process. I am always happy to help or answer any questions!
