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Written by a patient
3rd April 2017

Mr Dinah has the capacity to not only listen, but to hear a patient. This makes a great deal of difference and was much appreciated. Add insight and skill into the mix, and you know you are walking in the right direction. I certainly am, after my total knee replacement surgery in my right leg, operated on by Mr Dinah with the team he was working with. Just under four weeks out at present, I have the neatest most appealing looking incision and a rather large smile on my face. Pain has been minimal, well below what I was expecting, and I am already amazed that I am able to do things I could not do before the surgery even at this stage in recovery. The hospital I was treated at was fantastic and Mr Dinah popped by to see how I was doing both in recovery and in the ward. It makes a great deal of difference to experience high levels of care particularly during times when one is vulnerable and rather helpless! I am certainly very grateful.
