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Written by a carer
3rd September 2015

Pregnancy should be a wonderful and magical time for any parent to be and up until our appointment yesterday with Dr Ammar it had been. Our experience with everyone connected to Epsom hospital had so far been great but running into Dr Ammar who was clearly having a bad day has left my pregnant partner and myself feeling rather shell-shocked. Our baby was still in the breech position heading into the last few weeks of our pregnancy and our appointment with Dr Ammar was to discuss the options available to us, or so we thought. 25 minutes overdue Dr Ammar storms into our room hands on hips asking why we're here? When we told her it was because baby is still breech she made no secret in telling us and the junior doctor in the room that she shouldn't be dealing with this as she is not a breech specialist. She then went onto openly say that she was fed up of being booked appointments like this and so shall be complaining. She started to scribble notes in our pregnancy booklet and asked what we had planned to do. We thought we might go with a c-section we said. We thought this might be an opportunity to discuss all the options available to us including the pro's, con's and risks of each option. But when we began to talk about our reasoning behind the decision Dr Ammar simply replied that it didn't matter what we had chosen, she's sure we have done our research so won't try to change our minds. She then handed us a leaflet about c-sections and that was Dr Ammar discussing the risks of a major, potentially life changing decision with us. What a fantastic way to put two nervous 1st time parents at ease. Dr Ammar then said she better check baby is still breech. So with my pregnant partner on the bed she dragged over the portable scanner and simply prodded the scanner on my partners bump in two places, confirmed baby's head was still up and then walked off to wash her hands. Not once did she offer tissues to my partner to clean the gloopy jelly off her bump nor did she say it was ok to get off the bed. She simply walked off and sat down and was more interested in cleaning herself up so I was left to find tissue paper myself and help my partner off the bed. After scribbling more notes in our book Dr Ammar said someone would be in with a date for our planned c-section and that was that, she left. What an incredibly dehumanising and unfriendly experience we had with Dr Ammar, one where we were made to feel like a nuisance and totally unwelcome.
