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Written by a private patient
6th June 2022

Kathryn is very caring and professional. The surgery has changed my life. I had a polyp blocking me from going to the loo and 360 circumference of very large and sore skin tags. The surgery went well and apart from the initial aesthetic it was not painful. I had packing put up inside and passing that was very painful. I was given co-codamol to take for the pain but chose not to take it as I don’t like the feeling and constipation associated with it. I took paracetamol and ibuprofen and had lots of hot salty baths and used a back vibrator to help with the pain. The main discomfort occurred after passing a stool and I soaked in the bath after to allow everything to relax. I needed a week off work and I started late at work for about one week after that as I still need my baths in the morning. Even though it was not comfortable I am so pleased I have had the procedure. I am no longer sore down there, wiping isn’t an issue and my polyp blocking me from going to the loo is a thing of the past, I am so relieved! It was definitely worth it. A big thank you to Dr McCarthy
