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Written by a patient
14th June 2016

I was advised to visit Swindon hospital after experiencing numb and burning sensations around my genitals and left thigh, and after an MRI scan Mr Bhatia explained that i had cauda equina syndrome which was a burst disc in my lower back that was pressing into my spinal chord. He showed me the scan and further explained the long term risks of the damage being caused, such as requiring a catheter or paralysis. He clearly explained 3 options that i could take, surgery to try and repair the damage, epidural injections for pain relief or using physiotherapy treatment to try help the damage. He also explained the best outcomes and risks involved with each option, strongly advising surgery for the best chance of a full recovery. After i was given time to consider my options, i decided on surgery on Mr Bhatia's advice. He explained the procedure including each stage of the surgery and recovery both in Swindon hospital and at home. Mr Bhatia came to see me in the recovery ward shortly after i woke, and explained the surgery went perfectly, making sure i was comfortable and reassuring me that with the correct physiotherapy i would make a 100% recovery. 4 weeks after my surgery, my back felt strong enough to continue my running and training, and the incision had healed so well it was hardly noticeable. I cannot speak highly enough of Mr Bhatia, for explaining the original diagnosis, his experience and advice in helping me make my decision and his ability and amazing results in surgery.
