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Written by a patient at Cardinal Clinic
4th January 2021

Dr Arora is an outstanding Psychiatrist. He is empathic, patient and always looking to find the most beneficial interventions in a tailored way. Since seeing Dr Arora I have felt supported in managing my mental health. He creates a feeling a trust and openness, and is proactive in his support throughout more challenging periods. As well as adapting sessions to my individual needs and ways of communication. I feel very lucky to be able to have a Psychiatrist as brilliant as him, and could not recommend him highly enough.

Written by a patient at Cardinal Clinic
10th December 2020

Dr Arora is very empathetic and allows you to express your concerns in listening mode. He gives a warm feeling of someone who really cares about your situation and health. He brings very balanced opinions in the context of you still having to work whilst working through those issues. He is a power of strength in giving you the confidence to win. Another great asset of the cardinal clinic which itself is a tremendous health centres

Written by a patient at Cardinal Clinic
10th December 2020

I have been seeing Dr Arora for around 18 months, following a late (ie 40yrs old) diagnosis of ADHD. He navigated my relatively complex history with ease and was able to pull out key themes and relevant points to discuss further. His clarity of thought, interpretation and ability to playback key themes has been invaluable in my own understanding of my condition, its impact and my general self-awareness He has a very detailed and clear understand of complexity of ADHD. But at the same time can explain the mechanics, causality and impacts in clear, non-technical/ understandable language. He has a naturally calm, open and collaborative style. Which he flexes to suit my natural desire to understand causes and logic behind potential treatment plans. He consistently checks understanding, always co-creates treatment plans and is clear on potential benefits and risks of each option. He always proposes options and doesn’t assume or dictate a certain route or approach. I always feel he is contactable outside of planned sessions and I know routes to take if uncomfortable or have concerns I have also valued his pro-activity in sharing letters and care plans with my GP I should also mention his sense of humour during sessions, which not only lightens the mood at appropriate points, but adds to the general sense of positivity and support. Aside from his deep technical and professional expertise, he genuinely cares and instils a sense of confidence that issues can be overcome, and life can be better than it is currently

Written by a patient at Cardinal Clinic
10th December 2020

In my opinion, Dr Arora is an excellent psychiatrist who has approached my mental health with great kindness, patience and utter professionalism. First of all, he really listens to what I say and has involved me in all aspects of my care. I consider one of the most important aspects of a patient’s relationship with a psychiatrist is one of trust: trust that their medical treatment of your condition is helpful, trust that they will treat the things you say with respect and trust that they really want to help you live a better life ; not just because that is what a psychiatrist is trained to do, but because they care. In Dr Arora I have found all of these qualities and I trust him completely. I really believe that he genuinely cares about finding a path that will enable me to find a more peaceful and happier way to live. Meeting during a pandemic was always going to be challenging, but I am so grateful that Dr Arora understood my dislike of Zoom and has managed to go out of his way to give me safe, face to face meetings. When I was having a difficult time due to changes of medication, he made himself available, even at short notice, to support me through that tricky period. He has adapted the medication to suit both my emotional response and medical needs and in every way, he has supported my recovery. A significant moment was when he met my husband with me early on in my treatment and spoke gently but clearly to him so that he too became involved in what Dr Arora called, a “ circle of support”. Unfortunately, I have had to have psychiatric care before, but I am just so grateful to my GP for recommending Dr Aurora. Where psychiatric appointments used to worry me a great deal, particularly if I knew I wanted to push back over medication, I look forward to seeing Dr Arora. Apart from making me feel safe and using humour where appropriate, to put me at my ease, he is happy to listen to worries over weight gain or high blood pressure and has adapted the regime accordingly. Another significant aspect of Dr Arora’s care is the speed with which he deals with summative letters which he sends to the GP and copies me. These have been really helpful both to my GP, who told me that many psychiatrists are neither so thorough or so quick to inform the practice of the developments in my condition, and to me. The copies help me as they make me feel reassured that what I think was agreed in the consultation was actually what was said. I have a problem of sometimes overriding what people say to me with an inner voice telling me something else! When I first went to Dr Arora earlier in the year, I was suicidal and in a very dark and frightening place. On the scale of 0 -10, I was probably 0-1. Now, with his help, even my “bad” days don’t go below 3/4 and I know that if I needed him in a crisis, he would do his uttermost to see me and help. I consider myself very lucky to be under his professional and compassionate care.

Written by a patient at Cardinal Clinic
9th December 2020

I met Dr Arora 5 years ago as an inpatient at The Cardinal Clinic. Other reviewers have it right; he is an outstanding doctor. Dr Arora has a very warm and friendly manner. I genuinely believe he views his patients as people and is attuned to their life experience. The great bedside manner is more than just reassuring. I think the fact he gets to know you properly means he makes very astute therapy and medication recommendations. When I was an inpatient, he did a very thorough work up and took care to talk me through the proposed treatment plan. By involving me in the treatment plan I think we found a drug regime that has been mostly much easier than other people I’ve met with the same problems seemed to have experienced. I moved to a different part of the country for a year and saw a different, also very experienced, psych. He was fine but the contrast was very evident. A lot of people take a “ just take the drugs I tell you to take” approach. Dr Arora doesn’t and he doesn’t ignore you if you push back. That makes you feel more like a human being and also helps you find the right level of medication more easily. If you’re afraid, and don’t understand what you’re taking properly it’s easy to be over or under drugged. I’ve been back in his care since late 2016 and he has helped me find a fantastic therapist And a lighter burden of medication that still does the job. Drug regimes haven’t always been easy or predictable and sometimes I’ve got a bit stuck in therapy and when this has happened he has been amazingly responsive and supportive. When I first met him I was in an intense, terrifying and desperate place. At a time when I was very unwell Dr Arora helped me see there might be light at the end of the tunnel. I’ve made massive strides thanks to his help. He would be my first recommendation to anyone else with a severe mental health problem. Alex


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Specialises in

  • Psychiatry


A highly empathetic and dedicated Psychiatrist, whose commitment and professional approach to his patients has earned him a highly regarded reputation across London and Berkshire. Dr Arora has worked in mental health care for over two decades.

He is a strong advocate for the variety of evidence-based talking therapies, and has a strong partnership with high-quality psychologists and therapists.

Dr Arora specialises in Depression, Anxiety, Eating Disorders, ADHD and more.

All medications and therapy are overseen by Dr Arora for progress and care.

MA (Cambridge), BM BCh (Oxford), MSc (London), MRCPsych