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Written by a patient at Weston Park Hospital
14th December 2020

Dr Alzouebi has a great depth of knowledge on the subject of prostate cancer. My case is complicated and she modified the usual treatment to with a new idea to best suit me. I do not yet know the outcome but do know that Dr Alzouebi and the entire team at Weston have done everything possible to achieve a good result.

10th November 2020

First-class consultant and consultation and the treatment she recommended is 2nd to nobodies. My result was exceptional and I am now looking forwards to a better life with my wife of 54 years.

Written by a patient at Weston Park Hospital
28th October 2020

This lady is lovely she will get you back to your best.

Written by a patient at Weston Park Hospital
17th October 2020

Dr Alzouebi is my Oncologist who is caring for me during my Cancer treatment. This is a really difficult time for me and my family and Dr Alzouebi has explained everything every step of the way; the diagnosis, test results, prognosis and treatment options making the complex more straight forward for me to understand and make my choices confidently. She takes time with you to be able to do this, at no point did I feel rushed and I always came away from my appointments knowing that the visit was worthwhile. I also know that Dr Alzouebi's support is on hand should I need to make contact in between appointments for any advice. I'm so pleased she is my Oncologist, an expert in her field and I trust her implicitly.

Written by a patient at Weston Park Hospital
17th September 2020

I was extremely apprehensive at my first consultation following a diagnosis of prostate cancer. Dr Alzouebi was quite straightforward in her explanation regarding my radiotherapy and hormone treatment, but was at the same time very reassuring. In my follow-up consultations her manner has always been kindly and pleasant, but always totally professional regarding the progress I was making. I went away from each subsequent meeting with her feeling positive about the final outcome, and I am soon to be discharged from the hospital with a successful conclusion.


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Dr Alzouebi is a Consultant Clinical Oncologist treating cancers of the prostate, bladder, ureter and kidney.
She is an experienced oncologist in chemotherapy and advanced radiotherapy techniques for the treatment of these cancers. Her work covers both palliative and curative treatments.