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Written by a NHS patient at Weston Park Hospital
5th March 2021

I found Dr Alzouebi very reassuring when describing my problems and treatment. When I came away I felt allot of worries and concerns about the future had been relieved. I also found the treatment nurses to be very caring and understanding. I feel at Western Park I could not have received better treatment anywhere.

Written by a NHS patient at Weston Park Hospital
4th March 2021

Kind and caring and she answers your questions

Written by a NHS patient at Weston Park Hospital
18th February 2021

Dr Mymoona Alzouebi is reassuringly professional and has a warm friendly manner. She is very easy to listen to, even for someone like me using hearing aids. Although the Covid restrictions have made clinic appointments difficult this has been overcome by Mymoona and her team using phone calls effectively.

Written by a NHS patient at Weston Park Hospital
28th January 2021

Over two years has past since I was first introduced to Dr Alzouebi and from that day onwards I have total admiration for her dedication both to her professionalism and care that she has offered me during my treatment and aftercare. Words cannot express how grateful I am to have her as my oncologist. Whatever goals Dr Alzouebi has in life or whatever path she decides to take, I wish her all the very very best and whenever possible I will always make sure that she knows how truly thankful I am for her (and her teams) efforts and kindness. Regards - Mr P.A.Sloan

Written by a patient at Weston Park Hospital
28th January 2021

Dr Alzouebi has a gentle and caring manner mixed with a very professional and knowledgeable attitude. She has shared relevant information with me, given me guidance in a considerate way which has helped my confidence in dealing with my journey with the big 'C'. Unlike other consultants I have encountered previously I can honestly say that I feel I can trust her 100% to have my health and wellbeing at the forefront of the care I receive. Thank you Dr. Alzouebi.


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Dr Alzouebi is a Consultant Clinical Oncologist treating cancers of the prostate, bladder, ureter and kidney.
She is an experienced oncologist in chemotherapy and advanced radiotherapy techniques for the treatment of these cancers. Her work covers both palliative and curative treatments.