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Written by a private patient
20th May 2021

I first had symptoms eight years ago when I was 36 years old and pregnant with our baby. I suffered from chronic insomnia, brain fog, fatigue and feeling hot and cold but never associated it with hot flushes as didn’t go red. I had other issues of joint pains, aches and painful periods when these resumed after birth. I had other serious issues of multiple organ prolapse and sought several doctors and gynaecologists over the years for help and advice. My GP often dismissed me saying symptoms were normal after birth or that I was suffering from anxiety etc. I didn’t feel heard or listened to. Often I felt so down as a result of not being heard or believed. I once asked my GP to check if I had any hormonal imbalances or that I was approaching the menopause and I was told I was simply too young ! I started my periods when I was 9 so it wouldn’t have been that surprising if I was menopausal . My yoga teacher mentioned to me something about perimenopause and recommended Dr Mandy Leonhardt. For the first time in my life and specifically in the last 8 years, I felt heard when I finally made an appointment to see Dr Mandy Leonhardt. She listened to me and took all my concerns seriously. What struck me the most was how knowledgeable she was. She showed me a chart of how our hormones change over the years and had a lot of understanding about women and girls from different regions in the world and how life stresses can affect us. I am from the Middle East and have grown up in some difficult war torn countries. Dr Mandy Leonhardt prescribed me body identical hormone replacement therapy and my life was transformed within days. I suffered for so long and all I needed was one doctor to listen and take me seriously . This was last November and I have since, had a hysterectomy and organ prolapse repair having also found a gynaecologist that also believed in me and listened. The HRT helped me immensely as I have found out from Dr Leonhardt how important this is for recovery post surgery. Oestrogen helps with collagen levels. I was also given topical oestrogen to help with bladder and vaginal symptoms like pain, itching and dryness . All of which are related to low levels of oestrogen. I am ever so grateful for Dr Mandy Leonhardt for all the support and help I have received on a continuous basis. She is always prompt and happy to answer any queries I have. The prescription is tailor made for me and she was happy to amend this as my symptoms changed since my hysterectomy three months ago. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Dr Mandy to anyone and have been already doing so.
