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Written by a member of staff
17th August 2012

I am a registered nurse at The Vein Care Center. Part of my role is to assist Mr Gajraj with the various vein procedures. I had my veins stripped about 20 years ago. The procedure was carried out in hospital, under a general anaesthetic and I had to stay in overnight. It was extreemly uncomfortable and I was off work for about 2 weeks. The problem returned and after a scan and consultation with Mr Gajraj it was decided that I would benefit from vnus closure, foam sclerotherapy and phlebectomies. There was only a small amount of discomfort while the local anaesthetic was administered and within 4 hours I was on my way home. I did not require any pain relief after the procedure and I was back to work within a few days. I am very happy with the outcome and I have the confidence to wear shorts and skirts again.
