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Written by a patient
19th April 2016

Dr Uncles was very polite, courteous and reassuring. I explained to him that when I had my first operation I had felt quite sick and unwell after. For the following operations the medication had been changed and I had been fine. I had been treated by a different anaesthetist on these occasions. I was disappointed to wake up with a lot of pain and feeling very sick after this operation. The more pain relief I was given the sicker I felt and my eyes were rolling. I also had a very sore bottom lip and I was told they hadn't noticed my lip had been caught over the mouth piece during the operation and I had bitten it when I woke up. It is still numb in one area 2 weeks after the operation and I have had 2 mouth ulcers inside my lip. I can only assume that Dr Uncles hadn't followed the previous medication for anaesthesia care even though I had explained that it had worked well after my problems on the first occasion
