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Mr Shahid Khan

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Mr. Khan is a highly accomplished urological surgeon with a specialization in urinary tract stone disease and endo-urology. He obtained his medical degree from the King Edward Medical University (Mayo Hospital) in 1996 and subsequently underwent training at renowned urology institutions. Some of the notable institutions where he received training include the stone units at the Western General Hospital in Edinburgh, St George's Hospital in Tooting, and Guy's Hospital in London. After completing his specialist training in urology at the London/Kent Sussex & Surrey deanery, Mr. Khan developed a particular interest in urinary stone disease and endo-urology. His dedication and expertise in this field led to his recognition and the award of a Fellowship in Urology from the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh in 2010. In 2011, he also obtained a Fellowship from the European Board of Urology in Belgium, further establishing his professional credentials. In 2014, Mr. Khan was appointed as a Consultant Urological Surgeon at Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust (SASH), where he specializes in urinary tract stone disease. He holds the position of clinical stone lead and played a pivotal role in establishing the lithotripsy service at Crawley Hospital. This service provides non-invasive treatment for kidney stones using extracorporeal lithotripsy, a technique that uses shock waves to break up stones. Mr. Khan's expertise extends to various urological procedures. He is skilled in percutaneous renal surgery, which involves accessing the kidneys through a small incision to remove or treat kidney stones. He is also proficient in ureterorenoscopy, a minimally invasive procedure that uses a thin tube to visualize and treat urinary tract problems. Additionally, Mr. Khan has developed the Template Prostate Biopsy Service, a specialized biopsy procedure for diagnosing prostate cancer, which has benefited over 150 patients at SASH. In addition to his clinical responsibilities, Mr. Khan is actively involved in research and academic pursuits. He serves as the audit lead of the unit and has published numerous papers on the management of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS), erectile dysfunction, bladder and prostate cancer diagnostics, as well as percutaneous management of renal stone disease. His academic contributions demonstrate his commitment to advancing the field of urology and improving patient care. In addition to his wide range of urological expertise, Mr. Khan is also trained in laparoscopic techniques and offers advanced procedures such as nephrectomies and nephroureterectomies using the CMR robot. Laparoscopic surgery, also known as keyhole surgery, involves making small incisions through which surgical instruments and a camera are inserted to perform the procedure with minimal invasiveness. By utilizing the CMR robot, Mr. Khan can further enhance the precision and control during these complex surgeries, providing patients with the benefits of advanced robotic-assisted technology. This demonstrates his commitment to staying at the forefront of surgical techniques and utilizing innovative approaches to deliver the best possible outcomes for his patients. Among Mr. Khan's other clinical interests are minimally invasive treatments for prostatic disease, endoscopic management of superficial bladder cancers, urological laser surgery, and erectile dysfunction. These areas of expertise highlight his comprehensive approach to urological care, encompassing both surgical and non-surgical interventions to address various urological conditions. Overall, Mr. Khan's extensive training, qualifications, and experience make him a highly regarded urological surgeon with expertise in urinary tract stone disease, endo-urology, and a range of other urological conditions.


  • Urology