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Written by a NHS patient
11th November 2023

Atrocious 'care'- Psychiatry UK have completely abandoned their duty of care towards me. I have previously written positive reviews for my Autism assessment on here and positive reviews about my ADHD treatment. I was very happy with my ADHD titration journey and had the utmost trust in my nurse prescriber and consultant psychiatrist- I was approaching finalising a medication combination that worked well for me and was feeling positive about my future. In the last month and a half, that has all changed. I have lost all trust in my prescriber and psychiatrist. I have been broken down by constant stress, all unnecessary stress caused by lack of communication, treatment delays, and unexplained bureaucratic barriers on Psychiatry UK's behalf. There has been the odd positive moment, but each step forward has been swiftly forced backwards. My ADHD titration journey is in tatters, and I am being denied the opportunity to finish the titration plan issued to me, a titration plan I have been dedicated to and has been delayed and stopped through no fault of my own. I have fought so hard to access the medications that keep me living and functioning, and have fought so hard to give titration all my effort and energy- always filling out forms on time, asking questions to ensure I do things properly, giving extra detail and notes about my experiences on each medication dose. Now the treatment I need is being denied and I am absolutely devastated and completely furious. It seems that Psychiatry UK have re-opened their right to choose pathway (in the middle of a global ADHD medication shortage, no less) and are now trying to get rid of existing patients whose titrations were disrupted by the shortages and/or incompetence from professionals at Psychiatry UK to make room for new patients- despite their duty of care towards existing patients. It seems there is no duty of care towards them anymore. My psychiatrist has not responded to any communication for a month now- despite multiple issues needing to be dealt with by him, including a consultation letter (issued a month after our consultation) full of errors. My prescriber at times has directly contradicted what the psychiatrist has said, leaving me confused and distressed. The psychiatrist's delays in communication and sudden change in treatment plans following what was agreed at our consultation, without my consent, has distressed me majorly, given that I am autistic, and have repeatedly expressed to both my prescriber and psychiatrist that unexpected changes in plan without consulting my opinion and uncertainty caused by lack of communication are massive triggers for me- which shouldn't be a surprise to an ADHD/Autism specialist service, but apparently is, because whenever I express my autistic stress about the above triggers, it's blamed as a separate mental health problem! I've had to inform professionals of vital information pertaining to their work, because they are not informed themselves- I had to inform my nurse prescriber about the NHS patient safety alert because she was not aware of it, despite this safety alert being aimed at ADHD medication prescribers! I've had to research options and potential solutions myself. Why have I, the patient, had to do this? Even then, I have been powerless as each and every solution was shot down either due to contradictions and miscommunications between the psychiatrist and prescriber, action not being taken quickly enough to utilise the solution, or unexplained bureaucratic protocols who no one even seems to be able to tell me the reason behind or who is in control of those decisions. Psychiatry UK have completely failed me. I have a contact in Patient Experience, but have little faith anything else can or will be done for me and I will continue to be let down with this gross dereliction of duty of care. I have no idea how to make a complaint despite having phone calls with Patient Experience, and time is running out to resolve my situation, so I feel like I have no choice but to write this review.

6th December 2023
Response from Psychiatry-UK

Hello Thank you for taking the time to leave a review. We are really sorry to hear that you have had issues with our service. We understand from your feedback that you are already in contact with our Patient Experience Team, who are best placed to support you through making a complaint. We hope that your issues can be quickly resolved. Many thanks The Psychiatry-UK Team

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