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Written by a NHS patient
6th November 2023

I am grateful for the experience in my assessment. They were especially attentive to how I felt and responded to my feelings of distress. I am extremely grateful that as a team they were able to not only say it wasn't autism, but give me an answer and diagnose the personality disorder it actually was. I feel this wouldn't have happened if I saw an Autism only assessor/company. All PUK staff I've been in contact with throughout have been lovely and helpful. However I thoroughly dissatisfied and concerned by the lack of follow-up information, communication and / or support. I had a personality disorder diagnosed dropped on me for a disorder i didnt even know existed and i had no knowledge of. They commented how confused and unexpecting i looked when they told me during the assessment. Yet i have recieved no follow-up communications regarding what was discussed, I don't know if I was officially diagnosed or need to seek another opinion, what the follow-up support process looks like to manage the condition, and what the disorder even is!! I didn't even recieve any links to websites with information on this personality disorder. Would you just diagnose someone with cancer or heart failure and then not send them any follow-up, confirmation, or information packs on their condition? I've been left in significant distress and confusion following this assessment, and unequipped to help myself, or get help from around me as I don't know the confirmed outcome of the assessment or anything about what I was diagnosed with and help I can get. I've had to learn about my disorder from Google, as I recieved nothing from Psychistry UK which is really atrocious service and aftercare. The email outlining the follow-up process is unclear - saying the Dr will upload their notes and I'll get a letter within 5 days. 5 days of what - the assessment or the notes being uploaded? What is the time window for notes being uploaded? While I am relieved on a personal level to have a diagnosis that could be correct and I can work to improve my mental health now, the follow up has been non-existent and unprofessional, leading to further distress in the face of an unexpected and unknown diagnosis. I sincerely hope this changes and improves for future service users as I dread to think of this happening to other people, especially those who might be even more at risk.

8th November 2023
Response from Psychiatry-UK

Hello Thank you for leaving this review. Firstly, we would like to apologise for the confusion and distress you are feeling after the gap in receiving the care and support needed following your recent diagnosis. Could I please encourage you to contact our Patient Experience Team at: They will be able to schedule a call with you to look into your case in more detail and find you the support and advice you need as soon as possible. Many thanks The Psychiatry-UK Team
