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Written by a NHS patient
8th January 2022

Gill was so patient with me after my Ileostomy in 2012/13 and spending 210 days in ICU & then 7 weeks on a ward , I wasn't the easiest of patients! When she visited me at home I was having endless problems with getting my bag to seal properly, nothing was to much trouble for Gill, she would phone Salts and get them to send out various ones she thought would be the one for me! checking in her car boot to see if there was anything that would help first. It was Gill who identified my Fistula and did we have trouble with it.But then nothing would beat Gill she did solve a few issues with both Fistula and Stoma. In a word she is AMAZING at her job, very knowledgeable. She was a great support to my wife and daughter as well at such a difficult time for us all. Her after care is second to none. Thank you Gill for everything, a credit to our NHS. A star amongst stars !!!! I look on you as a great friend to our family xxx.
