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22nd May 2024

I felt by the end that Talking Therapies were simply trying to brush off the responsibility of dealing with me and what I'm going through. It's tough, nobody wants to associated with it but I had and still have nowhere else to go. It's a good job that my current job is relatively stable and supportive, and the Sertraline somewhat helps... but the problems are still underlying and aren't solved or supported. I think this goes above the individual therapist and to the organisation on the whole. [name removed] did what he could and by the book... but the book is too templated and every individual is different.

Suggested improvements
Think outside of the box... or just go to the police Also, who is the nurse and doctor I've been prompted for further review on... I've never heard of them in my life. Dr [name removed] and Miss [name removed]. Finally, I'm actually feeling a lot better since stopping therapy, as it prompted me to feel worse and dwell on everything that's going on. At least now it's more out of sight, out of mind. Sort of.

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