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Written by a NHS patient
4th August 2021

My wife has been having chronic stomach pains for about 6 wks, and since this her blood pressure has been dangerously high. Have been to A&E 4 times since, all visits have been a long wait but not life threatening, The last visit to A&E the medics put her on a medication to help with the blood pressure problem. I am having to take her BP every other day. On monday her reading was 259/158 so I called 111 and was told to get her to A&E asap as this would be quicker than an ambulance. On arriving at A&E I had never seen nothing like it. They were queuing out of the door. The board said a 3 hr wait to be seen by triage and a 6 hr wait to see a doctor. The young man who checked us in was marvelous telling me not to leave my wife on her own. Even 111 called me to make sure we were there. now I know there is a system in place and everyone is there for a reason . But talking to some of the other patients I was dumbfounded that a young girl with a frozen shoulder and a young lad with supposed tendon damage of the foot was called through before my wife. Then I noticed patients that checked in after were called through before my wife. After numerous chats with reception she was finally called through after 3 and half hrs. She was taken straight through to a bed to lie down where BP was taken and was still (their words) critically high. Wife complained her legs were swelling, she had headache and had severe pins and needles in her arm to which none of this was acknowledged. After 12 hrs and changed medication they finally got it down to a stable level then let her home. I understand A&E is at crisis point but when you are seeing stroke adverts, act fast and then the experts leave you sitting there it's quite sarcastically laughable !
