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Written by a patient
6th February 2015

I've been to the practice very regular recently. The new male doctor gave me all the medications that were on offer for my problems, however on my last visit it was a female doctor I've never seen before the out standing problems were treated with medications I've already had. The other issue wasn't treated very well. I explained clear that I've women issues in my lower addomn and I've had two operations in the past. When I was discharged from gynecology. They told me if the same dull pain comes back in the same area I must go to my doctors and ask to be sent for bloods and referral back the gynecology department with a x-ray attachment. I had a wee sample taken which was full of infection, which as been sent to the hospital. I was put on a short term course of medication for a kidney infection. Since taking the short term course of medication the pain is solely in my lower addomn. Still a dull/ throbbing pain. If this pain doesn't go away by Monday I'll be coming back to the practice. Asking for a refferal to the hospital again. A blood test and a x-ray is deafently needed.
