North Brink Practice

7 North Brink, Wisbech, Cambs, England, PE13 1JU 3,656 reviews


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25th May 2024

Not same day but well handled and friendly

Suggested improvements

24th May 2024

Got a triage appointment and a telephone one the following day was offered a face to face appointment but find parking very difficult

Suggested improvements

Rating not given.
Rating not given.
23rd May 2024

I have telephone appointments to give my INR readings

Suggested improvements

Rating not given.
Rating not given.
23rd May 2024

I was told that Dr Culshaw wished to see me regarding an ongoing problem [h.Pylori] and to come in asap, as she was on triage that day. I came in but was told that there are no appointments to see doctors, only nurses but that Dr Culshaw would triage my case. In the event I saw a nurse who was unsympathetic and considered that I knew very little about the condition from which I have suffered for a very long time. I suggested it might be better to see a specialist at the hospital but the nurse said "we'll just keep your symptoms under control." I would like to have the bug killed, not controlled! I have previously had a month's supply of antibiotics to fight it but this nurse insisted that only one week's supply could be prescribed, which I felt would be inadequate. I also have a gallstone and wheat intolerance and said perhaps it would be better to speak to a specialist at the hospital. Previously I had been advised to do this by one of the practice nurses, although at that time I said I would leave it as I was undergoing treatment for a number of other problems. The nurse I saw this week disagreed. I felt there was not a sympathetic bone in her body, whereas the two nurses I had seen previously for this problem were lovely (one of whom was Bronte, who I understand has left. I felt she was really fighting my corner to deal with this bug).

Suggested improvements
1) If Dr Culshaw had asked for me to come in that day then I really feel she should have seen me in person. 2) It would be helpful if nursing staff recognised that patients are not all idiots and that they may be expert in their own condition as it affects them. I have had this condition for a very long time and have had to make an extensive study of it. In short, please listen to the patient. 3) I was also waiting on the results of a 24-hour heart monitor reading. I have had this done three times. When I asked this nurse if it showed anything this time she said "absolutely nothing." Seven years ago I was told by a nurse at your surgery that I had an ectopic heart beat and he considered it to be concerning. The nurse I saw this week dismissed this, saying "everybody has it." Was the most recent reading correct? There is conflicting advice. Also, the monitor has failed twice before. This does not inspire confidence.

23rd May 2024

No engagement in patient treatment with backward process and lack of forward thinking. Book a meeting and pickup the blood forms at the meeting , if you do the tests prior to the consultation we could have a discussion based on fact with current information. Why suggest a course of treatment after 5 months old blood tests without engaging me in a conversation about why and the potential outcomes or side affects—just a text . Made to feel like it’s my fault on booking my appointment when the surgery want to cancel and be told we need to meet halfway due to me having a job . I find it all very strange and don’t feel involved or informed or engaged at all .

Suggested improvements
Pretty much everything from booking an appointment to running a people facing operation where joined up thinking seems to be a non entity . Think about the patients who want help and treatment with engagement and empathy rather than being treated like children with limited critical thinking abilities. Resource time and money are being wasted on poor process which could be improved with thought and taking based on feedback from surveys.


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