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7th May 2024

When I moved to the area, I spent a number of days unwell, during this period I was not able to attend the surgery to request my regular medications. I attended the surgery on the first day I was able, the 14th February at 9am to request my medication, as I had run out of my blood pressure medication, I was informed by the receptionist that as they had not received my records she would call my old surgery to confirm my medication and I could collect it later that day. At 14:40 that day I received a text to say they had not received a reply to their email, concerned as I needed my Blood Pressure medication, I called my old GP surgery to find out what had happened they informed me that they had replied at 09.45. After a number of calls back and forth Cwmbran Surgery and not getting anywhere I left work to go and discuss in person at the surgery. At the surgery I spoke to an extremely rude receptionist, who informed me no email had been received, that the receptionist I had spoken to in the morning was wrong, I could not have my medication that day and would have to wait 48. She spent 30 minutes, leaving me at the desk trying to find the email, even when I had shown her the reply the surgery sent as they had forwarded the email on to myself, I was still met with hostility. Eventually they accepted the email that my old surgery had sent me and agreed to my prescription, I explained a number of times that it was urgent and I was under a consultant for my blood pressure. However the receptionist did not seem to understand or care, even challenging me on my medications and asking if it was urgent why had I not requested it since december, putting me in a position where I am having to explain in a reception room full of people that my consultant had tried reducing my dose the previous year and unfortunately it wasn't successful so they were increased again, so for a short space of time I had medication left over. She then went on to ask if I wanted the prescription sent to the pharmacy, I asked how long that would take, she replied 5 days, I replied and said I have never experienced this poor service before and she replied 'Welcome to Wales'. I requested an email address to complain to and was informed they did not have a complaints email address, but to leave my name and number and the Practice Manager would call me back. The Practice Manager (Suzanne Griffiths) called the day later I explained all of the above, I was utterly shocked at her response, she advised in her opinion none of her staff did anything wrong, its 48 hours for a repeat prescription, the first receptionist who gave me the wrong information doesn't usually work on the front desk so she didn't do anything wrong. They had found the email my old surgery had sent at 09.45, but the person who sent the email from Cwmbran surgery at 09.22 had then left for the day, so never received the reply from my old surgery and as she did not inform anyone or copy anyone into her intitall email, no one knew the email was there, Suzanne thought this was acceptable as she said you can't expect my staff to sit behind the computers all day, they have to move around, when ask if the staff should copy a colleague into the email, she took no ownership, offered no apology and as a manager who should look to support, train and develop her staff, when I asked if she thought additional training would help, she replied no in my opinion they have not done anything wrong. Had I been told at 9am that morning that it was not possible for my medications to be done that day, I would have had time to drive to my old surgery in England and request my medication (who would have dispensed the same day). The above is just the first incident. I called to request an appointment for my daughter, a phone call appointment was made for two weeks' time, the GP had requested that they see my daughter in person, I called and made the appointment and waited another two weeks for a face to face appointment. I had to leave work early to take her, on arrival the appointment had accidentally been made by a Healthcare Assistant and not a nurse or a GP. We had to wait in the waiting room for a free GP to see her. I am prescribed Zapain 30/500mg, take 1-2 up to 4 times a day (Max dose 8 tablets in 24 hours). I am prescribed this medication for an injury sustained in a car accident a number of years ago. The GP prescribed 150 tables at a time, and I usually put a repeat in every 3 weeks as most days I take the Maximum dose. On the 21st March I requested tablet to last me as I was going away for a number of weeks, 300 tablets were prescribed. 300 tablets divided by 8 tablets a day is 3.7 weeks supply. On the 25th April I put a repeat request in and was declined the medication, and informed 8 weeks, 300 tablets were prescribed on 21.03.2024. I called the surgery and explained the above and was told by the receptionist that just because 8 a day are prescribed doesn't mean I should take 8 a day. That day I also put an appointment request in to speak to the doctor as I was in pain, this was ignored and I still have not received a call from the GP. On the 1st of May I put the repeat request in again and this has also been declined.

Suggested improvements
This has now been escalated to HIW
