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Written by a patient
31st May 2016

I had an appointment about a month ago with a female doctor who told me I had an ear infection after being ill for months and not being able to get an appointment for a long time. This doctor and the receptionist were very good and agreed on getting me there as quickly as possible before the other appointments and the doctor gave me a course of antibiotics. A few weeks afterwards and after I'd already finished the course I was still very ill with flu, and ear infection and I could not hear anything for about 4 weeks, so obviously the antibiotics didn't work. But then on the 13th May I went for an asthma check up, she checked my asthma but then I mentioned about the ongoing cold and ear infection, she checked and said I had an ear and chest infection, but I wanted something sorted about it after so long suffering with it. So the nurse quickly put me in to see a doctor who I believe is called Dr Chin. Now after months of trying to get an appointment for different problems and seeing him previously last year nothing had been sorted, so I informed him about keep falling ill every few weeks since last year, and he did not seem to listen to my problems and sent me for a hearing test and blood test. He has done this before and nothing came of it, so I wanted something else sorted but he wasn't listening. I then shown him warts on my feet in which he barely looked at for a second and said that the warts can not be treated and I'll have to leave them to go on there own and they won't get any worse. In which I told him that they just keep multiplying and he told me they won't multiply. Eventually he sent me to see a dermatologist about my acne and warts but said he can't promise me anything that will work. The only thing I've had so far is my blood test and am still waiting on the results and still waiting for a my dermotologist appointment and my hearing test. He gave me nothing to help my ear infection and chest infection and after all the problems I came in for the only thing I came out with was an asthma pump. Whilst telling him my problems he said "I have other patients, I was only told about the ear infection, were in here for one thing" although he then spoke about other things that I told him, I found this incredibly rude after he never solved the problems in my last appointment last year, hence the reason why I had to go through it all again. The surgery itself isn't bad, and the receptionist try their best to get me an appointment, and not all the doctors are bad, but I felt that the doctor I have spoke about had no interest what so ever and I was appalled by my service.
