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Written by a carer
4th December 2020

My husband had lung transplant operation earlier this year, so it was recommended all family members to take flu jab. My son is 13 and so flu jab is not provided in school, so he had flu jab at Burnham Health Centre. He was given nasal spray one. Two months later, now my daughter’s flu jab is planned in primary school, and School immunisation team contacted me to say my daughter shouldn’t take nasal spray flu jab, because it contains live vaccine, which gives risk to my husband to catch the virus. I told her that it should be ok as my son was given nasal one at GP, but she said we should check with my husband‘s doctor, so we did so, and the doctor said my daughter can’t have nasal one! Oh no... Why GP give my son nasal one? They know my husband is post lung transplant patient - obviously that’s the reason for my son could get the flu jab appointment at GP.... I really can’t believe the GP didn’t check before giving a jab, It could cause a life-threatening condition on my husband.

Suggested improvements
You are professional medical staff, so you should know what can/can’t give, should know what you need to look out for. Please please be careful and check before giving any medical treatment.
