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Written by a patient at Lister Hospital
30th October 2018

I totally recommend Mr Ahmed. I saw him for plastic surgery post breast cancer surgery. I'd had four operations on my right breast and other treatments including radiotherapy. My right breast was much reduced in size to my left breast and the scar was quite ugly. Mr Ahmed gave me excellent advice, was sensitive to my and my partner's concerns/queries. He treated me with respect and as a person not just a patient. He is physically very gentle. I completely trust him.

Written by a patient at Lister Hospital
9th September 2018

My wife was involved in a serious incident where e leg was shattered when she fell off a ladder whilst climbing into the loft of our house. This occurred on the 05.02.2018 and she was brought into Lister Hospital by Air Ambulance. After she was admitted A and E Mr. Foiz Ahmed was assigned as the project manager of this case which involved several operations. First the Orthopedics has to stabilise the bones in the leg which had been servered and then pinned and made secure. then the reconstruction surgery needed to rebuild the tissue which had been damaged. Then finally the plastic surgery required to patch up all the damaged skin and offer a new life to the whole area. All of these things were co ordinated by Mr. Ahmad who undertook this huge task with his team of excellent professionals. Mr. Ahmed was at my wife’s side the whole duration of this ordeal encouraging both her and myself that there was an end to all this pain and frustration. There would eventually be a time when Ruth would walk again unaided. The frequent meetings that we had at the dressing station at Lister after she was discharged slowly and more importantly gave Ruth more and more courage to realise that we were now on the right road to recovery. The job was still not done however and there were frequent trips to ortho pedics to see if the bones were healing. Then physio to teach Ruth how to walk again. Physio were amazing with their tips on how to use the correct exercises to get Ruth to heal and walk again. It is now 7 months from the incident and Ruth has finally been discharged from the care of this special person who gave her a second chance to walk again. Mr Ahmed my family hold you up in great esteem. Your professionalism shone through all the gloom of the 05.02.2018 incident. To all those people who doubt what the NHS is about, I wish that you study this case and see what health care is really all about. It has involved a huge amount of co ordination and preparation. The people involved, used all their skill to get to the best ever settlement for and on behalf of Ruth. they have given me a new lease of life even though she is in the evening of her life. To all those who helped out Ruth for these past 7 months from the cleaners, nurses, sisters, matrons, porters, doctors, orthopaedics, cooks, care assistants, administrators and specialists like you Mr. Ahmed we love you because you did your best for us. Carry on the good work


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Specialises in

  • Plastic surgery
  • Cosmetic Medicine


Consultant Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeon

Mr Ahmed is based at Lister Hospital, Stevenage, where his main NHS work comprises breast reconstruction, skin cancer, hand surgery and trauma.

Nearest Cosmetic medicine specialists