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Words cannot describe how grateful we are for you. Thank you for taking such a great care of my daughter "Divya Gupta", that too during the corona virus pandemic. Until now I as a mother associated the word Surgery with Misery. After being under the careful watch of a doctor like you, I associate Surgery with Healthy Recovery. As per Divya, your smile brings so much joy and reassurance. Many Thanks Shaveta

11th May 2020
Written by a patient at Epsom General Hospital
1st May 2020

My relationship with Mr Dinah started in early 2016. After an infection in my right leg was brought under control, he removed pins and plates inserted by another surgeon some years earlier. This was part of previous surgery. In 2018, my right knee was becoming more painful and my movement more limited. Over an 18 month period I regularly consulted with Mr Dinah and in late 2019 we agreed that total knee replacement was necessary. Surgery was carried out late February 2020. Mr Dinah has regularly given me straightforward and honest advice. He has always pointed out the potential problems that may result from surgery. I have always found him to be very approachable and an excellent listener. I write this 9 weeks after surgery which so far has been totally successful and given me a new lease of life.

Written by a patient at Spire St Anthony's Hospital
26th July 2019

Following an accident back in 1992 where my leg was shattered, I had a metal rod and pins holding my leg together. Finally, after 27 years my hip finally gave out and I needed a hip replacement. The surgery was more complex as I had to have my rod removed then the hip replacement done. Mr Dinah was fantastic from start to finish. He removed the rod and did the hip replacement all in one go. I went in Saturday morning and was home by Monday evening. Mr Dinah’s calm friendly approach put me at ease from the very beginning, I never felt rushed and no question was too silly. He is an exceptional person who I cannot recommend highly enough. His professionalism, charisma and caring nature put me totally at ease and I would like to thank him for everything he has done for me. After 4 half weeks I was driving and at 6 weeks was on my first long haul flight with his permission after I did all my exercises and did as he advised. My scars have blended back and all the pain has gone in my hip. As an added bonus my knee bends to 90 degrees and beyond for the first time in 27 years. Thank you so much.

Written by a patient at Ashtead Hospital
18th July 2019

My operation was a Unicompartmental Knee Replacement. Mr Dinah has done an excellent job. I went into hospital on Thursday afternoon and was home by Saturday lunchtime, able to walk and climb stairs. Mr Dinah also straightened my leg, which was beginning to become very bowed. All-in-all a very good experience, backed up by an excellent nursing, care and physio team. Above all, as Mr Dinah says - do the exercises if you want a successful result.

Written by a patient at Spire St Anthony's Hospital
10th June 2019

I was shocked and scared when I was told I needed an immediate hip replacement. Mr Dinah took the time to answer all my questions and talk me through what would happen before, during and after the operation. My operation was a complete success. Mr Dinah came to see me the following morning and checked everything was ok with an X-ray and that I could stand and walk with the aid of a zimmer. I left hospital 2 days later walking slowly with two sticks having mastered walking up and down stairs - easy when you know the technique which was explained by the great physios at St Anthony’s. One week later I was able to walk with one stick and two weeks later I could walk without any sticks - I did all my exercises. My thin scar has healed nicely. I was back at work in 6 weeks. I have had two follow up appointments with Mr Dinah and have now been fully signed off after 8 weeks. I can walk and even jog without any pain and am getting stronger every day.


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